Is God really Three in One?

                                                                        by Johann Grobler
God is love.  He wants children, blameless and in Christ, who will love Him and live in His close presence, forever. (Eph.

One of the characteristics of erternal life is that we will get to know God more and more. I believe we will never cease
growing in our knowledge of and appreciation for God – not in all eternity! (John 17:3).

It is God’s desire that people worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:23). But He doesn’t cast his pearls before the
swine. If people don’t want to know about Him, He won’t reveal Himself to them. On the other hand, those who seek
Him will find

Him. (Luk. 11:9-10, Rom. 1:28, Heb. 10:22).
In the garden of Eden God walked with Adam and Eve.  It was an intimate loving relationship. After the Fall, that
relationship was disturbed. Not only for Adam and Eve, but also for their progeny.

We read about a few thereafter who, against the stream, enjoyed an intimate relationship with God: Enoch, Noah,
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. Then came Moses. In Ex. 33-34 the intimate relationship between God and Moses is
described. We read that God spoke to Moses face to face, as one would speak to his friend. God told Moses that he had
favour with God and God knew him personally by name.  Then Moses asked God, “Show me you glory.” God agreed that
Moses could see Him from behind, but not His face. And when God passed by Moses, He proclaimed, “The LORD, the
LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to
thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.” (Ex 34:6-7)

Then, 1400 years later, came Jesus. Part of his great mission was to reveal God to his (Jesus’) disciples (Mat. 11:27,
Joh. 17:6). Everything Jesus did was to honour his Father.  He regarded his Father (Yahweh) as his God. He said God
was his God and also the God of his disciples. “I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God”
(John 20:17). He acknowledged that his Father is “the only true God” (Joh. 17:3) and we should love Him (the one and
only God) with all our heart, soul and mind (Mark 12:29-31).

After Jesus God gave further revelations to Paul, whose letters would later make up a substantial portion of the New
Testament Scriptures. Paul also said that the Father was Jesus’ God and that his prayer is that God will give us wisdom
and revelation to know Him (Eph. 1:3, 17).

The Bible is a record of God’s reconciliation with fallen mankind through Jesus Christ. It can also be said, the Bible is
God’s love letter to humans.

With all that are stated above in mind, one would expect that God would reveal Himself in His love letter.  He is not a
fraud. He cannot lie. It is not His nature and character. He will withhold information where it it would be the loving and
appropriate thing to do. He has His secrets (Deut. 29:29). But where it comes to who and what He is, He reveals
Himself to those who seek after Him – and He does it with absolute honesty. God says through the prophet Jeremiah,
“..let him who boasts boast about this: that he undestands and knows Me... (Jer. 9:24).

The question that then arises in my mind, is this: Why did God not tell us anything about “the Trinity”? Why does the
word or the concept not occur even once in the whole Bible? There is from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22 not one single
reference to it! Why not?  Why did Jesus never refer to it? Why did the Gospel writers, Paul and Peter never make
mention of it?

The Bible is a fairly thick book. It contains hundreds (maybe thousands?) references to God. But not on one single
occasion does it refer to a triune God. Or a three-in –one God, or a one-in-three God. Nowhere.

There are numerous instances where in the same passage reference is made to God on the one hand, and to Jesus or
Jesus Christ, on the other hand.  I count 25 instances in just the Book of Romans.

All that the trinitarians can do, is to quote maybe 20 to 25 passages, where deductions are made that Jesus is also God
or that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are God.  Not one of those Scriptures say it outright that Jesus is God, or
mention “the Trinity”.

All the Scriptures that say that God is one, are either ignored or interpreted to say something different. All the passages
(probably more than 100?) that picture Jesus apart from God, are disregarded. All those verses that say that God the
Father is greater than Jesus are overlooked. Also the text in 1 Cor. 15:24.

Long explanations are given as to the meaning of Elohim and of logos in John 1, but simple statements in the Bible are

Did God fail us? Did He/They(?)  mislead us? Did He/They fail to reveal Himself/Their selves clearly in His/Their love
letter ?
It can’t be! Never!

Download for free the next pdf books
1.The Only Perfect Man - Eric Chang.pdf
2.The Only True God Eric Chang.pdf
3.The Real Jesus.pdf
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Come Out of her the mother of all whores and her dauthers Rev 17:1-7, Rev 18:4